What is functional components

  • Can’t have its own data, computed properties, watchers, lifecycle events, or methods.
  • Can’t have a template, unless that is precompiled template from a single-file component. That’s why we used a render function above.
  • Can be passed, things like props, attributes, events, and slots.
  • Returns a Vnodes or an array of VNodes from a render function. Unlike a normal component that has to have a single root Vnodes, it can return an array of VNodes.

Why choose functional components

Functional components are cheaper than normal components because they don’t have a Vue instance associated with them, they just create an extra VNode which means less JavaScript executed and less memory allocated.

Use Case

  1. Cheap leaf components that can be reused without the cost of stateful instantiation component
  2. Functional wrapper components (e.g, router-view)
